Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Can't believe it!

Some of you have heard me say this a lot lately, but seriously, I just truly CANNOT believe my baby is going to be TWO in a few days!!! It's just NUTS to me! Caleb's first 2 years flew by too & I'm still in denial that he'll be 5 in December...but something about these last 2 years, Carson's little life has just flown by so far!!

Anyway, I also just need to vent about something that I am SOO frustrated about...I'm in college taking part-time classes (online) and right now am on a couple week break btwn when my summer classes ended and before fall classes start on the 31st. Well I knew this laptop wouldn't last forever. Common sense, yes. BUT I wasn't expecting it to just DIE...like, today! :( We thought we just needed a new cord because our lovely (& I mean LOVELY) new puppy got a hold of the laptop plug-in power cord & destroyed it. Well the computer wasn't holding a charge and hasn't since the first week I got it from my sister (of course she never had that problem..ugh!) :( So in order for it to work at all, it must be plugged into an outlet at ALL TIMES. So we ordered (thank you Mike L for finding one on ebay) a new cord & part of me just knew that it wasn't going to work, even w/ the new cord. ARGH. Sure enough, the power light flickered on like maybe it was going to turn on..but nope. Completely dead! Yeah, oh GREAT! So that's my vent. We now have to somehow purchase a new laptop...of course it's the most convenient time of year (back to school, kids need fall clothes, etc)!!! So anyway, I'm honestly just praying that God provides us w/ a new laptop that's one heck of a deal b/c He does know what we can afford right now....We do have a home computer (that I'm using right now!) but it's ANCIENT & basically just a "backup" computer. It's SUPER slow & sadly, if I tried taking one of my timed quizzes or tests on this thing...I'd probably FAIL miserable b/c it would freeze up on me or just keep being SOOO slow...LOL! It's really not that funny, but what else can I do??? I'd rather laugh about it than cry. I kept telling myself today to "get a real problem" :) This is such a small thing, but I guess it seems so much bigger when it's happening, etc...
End of vent :)


Amber said...

I hear you on how time flys.....I feel like just yesterday I was preg with Carter and now on Sat he will be 1 month!

Sorry to hear about your computer I had a laptop that did the same thing, the bad news is I had to get a new one! Hope your day goes better.

Jessica said...

HOLY COW...you posted a comment...it's only been about 7 months! HAHA! You know I love ya!